30 Day Drawing Challenge – Day 12

Day 12: Most Recent Accomplishment


I do in fact know how to count to fourteen…  As promised, the two-drawings-late day 12!

Joseph and I got a tandem bicycle about a month ago, and this Tuesday, for the first time, we were actually faster together than he is alone!  Our 19 mile Tuesday ride had an average speed around 18.4 miles per hour.  That is definitely faster than I ever ride alone, but it is even more of an accomplishment to me because it means that riding on the tandem with me actually helped him go faster.  Woo-hoo!

About heidisavestheday

Heidi is an artist and a maker of things living in Sherman, TX. She is a great baker of cookies, a terrible accordion player, and the kind of person who wonders about whether this should be written in the first or third person.
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